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Thursday, May 25, 2006

What a Week!!!

Well the week that went by was one of the most ironic ones. I was totally up in arms during the week over tremendous workload. A colleague actually said to me 'Sanchit you are not smiling.....thats not a good sign.' Well having done my bit to earn much less than i deserve (thats another blog altogether...:), I embarked on one of the best weekends ever. I went White water Rafting to Nantahala River, NC (yeah i am also getting in the mode of calling states by their nicknames...North Carolina for the novice that one).... Natahala means sun at noon...or whatever in Red Indian jargon. The reason is it is surrounded by mountains/trees on both sides. And the water is released by a hydro electricity center. So it remains at a certain temperature (certain bole to 50 degrees Farenheit. If you are a person who thinks in Celsius hahahaha...thats sadistic pleasure for me coz I have been thru that phase. Get ur calculators) Anyways, so getting back to the real story...I was advised by a sanguine soul that I shouldnt wear Shoes but Floaters...Well my perception of the sanguinity was challenged I must say...How? read on.
Well before we got into the boats, we got into a Bus which took us to the top of the river from where we were supposed to take our boat into the river. A lil background on the rowing teams...well there were 11 of us, so we had to split into 2 teams. As fate would have it, we inconspicuously got divided into a team of young 6 and an older lot of 5....We had 2 instructors Mark and Gary...(u are smart if u got that I made up the names...hehehehe...kya karen naam bhool gaya) who hopped onto each of the boats. Mark was the older guy who obviously hopped onto the older guys boat...lets call it team B....(well why not team
A ...coz thats us silly)....Gary was one of our clan...a trainee in terms of being an instructor at white water rafting....The amazing thing about him being that he is a skiing instructor in the winter and a rafting instructor in summer.
Now as we got into the boat we took our positions. I was in the 2nd position on the left and for some unknown reasons the left side (unlike in politics) is the one who does all the work. We were supposed to lock one of our feet in the internal crevices of the boat. And this is where I cursed the guy who told me to wear the floaters...coz I cudnt feel my left foot after 30 seconds..It was totally frozen....
The battle lines were drawn between Team A and B as we went on the a ride like no other I have been on. Well we were constantly tossed and turned in the currents of the Nantahala river. We had some amazing getaways from the trees and rocks at the banks of the river as we came nearer to Team B. (did I tell you we gave them a lead???) Well we were constantly alternating the lead positions but team A was playin it rough...as soon as we came in striking distance they blasted a rampage of water bursts at the right sid of the boat. Well I cudnt fight back as I was on the left remember???...anyways so we went down the river enjoying every bit of the way and then Mark the shmuck that he is let our boats collide and we were stuck on a rock....and our instructor had to jump into the freezing water and get us out.
Finally at the fag end of our ride, we came across the best part of the river a level 3 turn where we got some cool pics (shud i say cold pics...hehehe) Anyways so all in all we had the most amazing time...Hey and about the floaters, they dried pretty soon and the shoes which others wore were wet the whole weekend....thats all for now.....agla blog sometime later.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Tribute to Agassi

Well ever since I have liked Tennis, I have been a fan of Andre Agassi. I mean more than anything else the one thing that stands out in Agassi is that he cries when he wins and smiles when he loses. I mean thats one leaf even Steffi needs to take from his book. The kind of fightbacks that the guy has made over a career spanning nearly 16-17 yrs is amazing. He hs risen like the phoenix in so many seasons. And you always enjoy when he is playing coz he is not the boom boom serve kinda player. Most players are helpless without their booming serves but I have not found a single one who has the natural ability to return serves the way Agassi does
Why am I suddenly going ga ga over a player who has retired a year ago....well to tell u the truth, I have just started playing tennis regularly and if I can succeed to bring in just a part of Agassi into myself (well then it would have to be the part who made steffi fall for him......hehehe got u there) then I would be really thankful to God. So heres a tribute to Agassi, who makes me believe that one can succeed without a big serve...Now dont fool urself into believing I dont have one (got u there again)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Kya Dialogue Hai

Being a Film Buff, this is one Column I shud have written long back. Numerous dialogues have left a hangover on my mind. Here are few of them
  • Life is like a Box of Chocalates, you never know what u can get - Forrest Gump
  • When the game is over, the King and the Pawn go back into the same box - Being Cyrus
  • When you realise, that you want to spend the rest of ur life with someone, you want the rest of ur life to start as soon as possible - When Harry Met Sally
  • ...Today we celebrate our independence day - ID4 the whole speech actually
  • The last comments made in 'Gangs of New York'
  • The difference is I make this look good - MIB
  • Its not the Size. Its how u use it - Austin Powers...after the Yah Baby one that is.
Well I have got the writers block so thats it for now....yah i know I ll be more creative next time...