I started with beer way back in the Ice age...aint gonna tell u when guys...(my parents have access to this as well...and i am censoring the inceident that happened with me and beer back in college) As long as I have known, I have not liked the taste of beer...and still I am getting to terms with it. But as we all know its a nice habit to break the ice (pun intended again...for all u eng poetry students read and learn) or to have a night out with the guys (this time no puns u sick @#*$%) Back in college, someone who drinks beer was an alcoholic even if the frequency is once in 6 months...well I was asked by a queer (for all the shocked beings who know one of the meanings of queer is gay...well consult the english literature majors for the other meaning) fellow 'Tu Beer Pike aaya????' at a college fest....and I was like 'Are you asking me coz u were told by someone or my breath gave me away?'.....Anyways as days went by the same ppl who were asked whether they drink...give an answer...'Main Madira nahi peeta jee' hehehe got u on that one...the stranger thing they say is 'Haan lekin sirf Beer'.....Well is Beer alcohol or Is it not? Or is it like a sin u can commit and be forgiven for it. Is Beer the pious V among vodka, rum and other Ws of the world (decode that...its simple)? Hmmm well I dont know... u tell me!
Some more years later, I have known these same type of guys drink beer every day of the week (so that they dont get knocked out) and drink beer after the other alocoholic beverage supply runs out and then get knocked out, along with the fact that they get offended to get invited to parties which choose to go sober. Me on the other hand have maintained my frequency and go steady with my alcohol not violating the qualitative or quantitative boundaries....Hey am I preaching...Hmm well maybe I am....I just wanted to convey that a persons contorted view points (which he/she hold close at a certain time and later relinquishes them..ever so subtly) does not do justice to what the real truth is. Ok I am definitely preaching preaching peaching.....did u say u see see see 3 preaching....well u have had one beer too many mate...Cheers.
1 comment:
u dont like the taste of beer but u still have it!?..;)..its like saying..'i dont drink any more...but i dont drink any less either'..cool quotes though..best one is 'main madeera nahi peeta ji'..hehe..chaalbaaz!..seems like u got knowledge abt liquor ;)..pass it over.. :)..well written though..KB.
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