Hmmm....well its been a while since I created another piece of art for my millions of readers....ok let me cut the BS....I have started on my next blog several times...but haven't found the content good enough for this space.....I know what you are thinking...Isn't this blog a waste of space too.....well I agree to some extent...but I ll give my real view at the end of the blog.
I have always refrained from writing the happenings of my personal life in my blog...well...I will keep on refraining from doing that...So haven't I told you what this blog is all abt? (how many times have I written Blog in this blog...early bird prize for getting that one right is a 100$ dinner with sure to get it when u come...hehehe)
Lets get to the point here. Much has changed since I last wrote here. The most notable being I have a 3rd place which I can call home...the airport. Well since I have started traveling...I end up at the airport for a better part of the day when I do travel....(No I haven't joined FedX...was thinking abt it...but then I saw Cast Away) Ever since I have known myself (which is like forever..duh), I have spent a lot of time waiting at some place or someone or the train station...for friends who are always on time....for the school bus (but then I have run after a bus too) .... So when it is a flight why should it be any different?....well with the current no liquids rule....the check-in takes light years...(Am I the king of exaggeration or what?)....the worst part is taking off all ur metals at the offense meant to airport security guys...they do a real good job given the number of ppl traveling. The best part is when I get onto a plane...well I wait again for a PYT ( you go figure out what a PYT is....your intelligent enough to take a guess) to get on and take the seat next to me...(word of advice..the middle seat has double the chances...)...and then wait for an excuse to strike a conversation...and then wait for the bag to turn up on the baggage claim conveyor belt....and then wait for the car in front of me to get thru the parking fee booth ASAP....and believe me ASAP= as slow as possible in this case....well that just about consumes every bit of my creative take on this last words...It is not a waste....(huh? u didn't read the 1st para did you...aah now u did...and u do not agree...too bad...write your own blog....ciao 4 now)
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