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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Style of writing

For those of you who have been reading my blog a lot....(hmmm...so I am a self confessed apotheosis of immodesty...bite me) must like this for my style of writing. Well let me give you a background of why it is so!!! As you may already know, I take a lot of inspiration from movies and television (read my other blogs if you don't know...grrr)...This is no different...I have been a fan of Sitcoms all my life....But to tell you the truth...the ones that appeal to me the most are not the ones with laughter track on them....My favorite shows would have 2 most notable ones...Ally McBeal and Scrubs.....Why so?...The striking resemblance between the 2 is to deliver a serious or somewhat sane message without having to be serious or sane about them....For starters the protagonists Ally and Dr. Dorian are always guided by their own voices...Not just that these inner selves think of the most whacky things at times completely opposite to the happenings....they are insane at sane times and sane at insane times....and if you really analyze this is something I identify with a bit.....So getting back to my style of writing....you will always notice something written in brackets which if ignored don't impair the relevance of the written matter (But make it B-OR-I-N-G) and gives you a mirthful third person view on what I am writing. Heres looking forward to a lot more whacky stuff from yours truly....

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