Ever wondered what its like to put all your eggs in one basket? Well traditionally speaking....its not a good idea right?...Well lets analyze that hypothesis a bit...Having a plan B or a safety net is great as against risking it all on plan A and push yourself to make Plan A to work like there is no tomorrow.
The smart people always have a plan B....they know, what they are doing, does not have a 100% chance to succeed...And they have a hedge fund kinda concept going for them. So if the attempt does not go through, they can say "Well whatever!!! I always had plan B if this did not work out. I am so smart that I am always prepared for the worst!" Hmmm...well thats a good way of looking at it.
Lets look at the other side now...The Brave people put all their eggs in one basket...They kinda risk it all on that one chance they got....And they are not prepared for the worst....They always keep saying to themselves "This has got to work...else I am totally screwed!!!" So they are audacious enough to not think about protecting themselves from failure!!!
Lets dig a little deeper in the Smart person psyche and the Brave person psyche shall we? The Smart person starts his attempt to get plan A working....Well he runs the first 50% of the task really well...Now as he approaches the last leg, the pressure is almost wilting and knocking the day lights outta him....Now he must fight that pressure off and become a stronger person and try and win plan A...Guess what...his sub-conscious takes over and he begins to think..."What the hell? I have plan B!!! So whatever happens, I am gonna be just ok!"...And before the person knows it....Well he has lost his perspective on plan A and now he is all about plan B....In the process it may so happen that he fails to make that last stretch and fails by just a small amount. Now lets look at the Brave person...He starts off just like the smart one...After 50% of the task is done...He realizes "Geez man! I got a lot of stuff riding on this baby!!! I better get this done".....So he starts running harder towards the finishing line....and as he gets closer to the line...he gets faster coz he knows theres no second chance....
The Brave ones are the ethereal optimists and the Smart ones are somewhat optimistically pessimistic. The third kinds "pessimistic ones" are not considered at all...Coz there is no way in hell they can win. So do you really make that decision to be smart or brave? Or does it depend on the circumstances? Well I would say its a mix of both. Having said that Circumstances do tend to influence your choice. It all depends on what you may have to lose if it you don't succeed. More often than not situations in which you have 'nothing to lose' or you have 'everything to lose' have a way of invoking the braveness of a person. It is when you have something to lose that it becomes grey....Coz then you have a choice to let plan A take as much as you are willing to lose or a little more than that. This little more that a person gives up is a really difficult mix to achieve...if it is too much it jeopardizes plan B and if it is too little...well bye bye plan A....So ppl who have too little to lose in the first place tend to bank on plan A....ppl who have everything to lose put everything behind plan A coz its just about enough to get them thru.....Its when you have choice between either plan A or plan B to succeed that the smart guys chicken out and go for plan B.
So Tell me something? Are you the smart one with the "Hope for the Best. Be prepared for the worst" attitude? Or are you the brave one with the "Be prepared for the Best. Get screwed lest the Worst" attitude? Waiting for your comments...(Ain't this blog very unlike me?...Well I am inspired to write inspirational stuff once in a while!!! What inspired me you ask....I ll get back to it in my next blog!)
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