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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I Banged a Pole

Before you get any ideas from the title....take the literal meaning of it....Oh no...not that literal meaning....I mean the other literal meaning....hmm...let me explain....I was walking while reading a newspaper (or maybe I was reading while walking on the footpath...neways) and I failed to notice a Steel pole right in front of me...and sure enough I banged right into it with my legs on either side of the pole....Fortunately my hands took the brunt of the clash....I didn't bang my head and I am sure I will be able to start a family...(toungue in cheek)
Well has this happened before?...hell yeah...with so many disastrous (hyperbole intended) consequences...you just need to start talking to my mom and half my stories (btw if my mom starts narrating 'funny to you horrific to me' tales...you gotta keep in mind that anything before the age of 10 will be said as if it happened yesterday and any amount of denial from my part will only result to more publicity to the alleged incident) would reflect such acts of absent-minded behavior....and that is all that I have to say about that....(Sorry Forrest...couldn't resist copying that one from you)


Nilesh™ said...

I would love to hear some of your Mama's stories :-)

SR said...

Well Nilesh
no ways u gonna get any of those