For those of you who think the title means 'getting emotional about something' (Heres an example of the
Moving Anna Nicole Smith trial judge)...ting ting...heres ur stop (get off this bus)....Now that I have your attention, (You are still hung up on Anna's story right...doh!!!) I have moved residences lotsa times over my short career on Mother earth (that sounds star trekky rt?) And there are so many things you can learn from me!!! (I may start a 'Donald Trump' kinds convention in your town....whats it called?...'Your are Moved'...better still turn it into a reality TV show...hmmmm)
Since I have moved in India and in the US...(not considering my move from India to the US....thats a future topic called travel tips)
Official tips:1) There are 2 things to moving....a) Moving all the stuff to the new place and b) Cleaning your old place....These are 2 things which can be done in tandem....but better to have (b) follow (a) at least the major parts (What an Obvious tip huh? me some numb nuts don't even know this)
2) Nothing pays richer dividends than to be organized about the whole move process. Unless you have only a little amount of stuff to move, you better start categorizing things. Don't start writing down 1 toothbrush, shaving a little bit high level than that...all bathroom equipment sounds great
3) Another approach to moving stuff is clearing one part of the house at a single time and getting it off the workbench completely. Just like a good modular design approach....(see it helps to be in software....better still u can actually relate coding and the rest of the world)
4) Early Bird takes the Worm (or something like that)....If you know when you are gonna move....don't wait till the last few days to get going....start as early as possible
Unofficial Tips1) Boxes...however useless they look at the onset...believe me a Box is your best friend during a move....(well said....dogs 'You are fired!!!')
2) Stuff which you don't use (and you have loads of it believe me) gotta go to the trash me when I say you are never gonna fit in those 24 inch trousers ever again....might as well get them off your shelf or if you wanna make some antique moolah, box them up for your grandchildren. (Refer Tip 1)
3) Don't feel bad to clean your own shit....(For the dimwits, I mean theres no harm done in cleaning your toilet....for the smart ppl, clean it once in a while to keep you from having an eeky feeling up your nose at the time of a cleaning session)
4) Better still have your room mate (if you have any....
Hallelujah.....if not ... hahahaha .....thats my sadistic laughter...u like the sound of it?) clean the toilet.
5) If possible move stuff over a period of time....Best time to do this....every night make a trip with a lil bit of stuff each time)
6) Help other ppl move...(Not by cleaning their shit...refer Tip# 3)...u never know when u need (Refer Tip# 3 again) them for ur move.
Happy Moving Guys!!!...and Gals too!!! (sorry)